Sunday, November 4, 2007

Work At Home - 3 Keys To Choosing The Right Home Business Mentor For Your Success

Work At Home - 3 Keys To Choosing The Right Home Business Mentor For Your Success

As flattering as it is to our egos, and to our ears to believe and hear others declare us as self made, the truth is that none of us really are. We are all a reflection of the handy work of someone else who chose to invest in our lives. Parents, Siblings, Spouses, Pastors, Coaches, Teachers, the list can go on and on.

The good and the bad in us all usallually can be traced back to another individual who placed their handprint on our lives at one point or another. I don't own a television and never will. However, I did at one point, and can recall the wonderful life altering, praise worthy stories that flooded our news stations day after day. Praise Worthy? Yeah right!

I mean who needed personal development, and the power of positive thinking, when we can get the news for free. Right? Unfortunately this is not true. Rather our news papers are flooded with negative news repor! ts, from people around our world who simply duplicated what the mentors in their life imparted into them. This is the power of a mentor on the negative side of life.

We all know all so well countless stories of successful people who simply plug into the benefits of a mentor who had gone before them in the endeavor which they sought to pursue. The result almost all the time is a clone of the exact results the mentor himself received.

Needless to say that if you and I are serious about starting a Home Business that will thrive and not only survive. Then we need to seek out a mentor who has accomplished or is on his or her way to accomplishing what we are seeking to accomplish.

Who you choose as your mentor will ultimately determine your success or failure. Consider this thought for a moment. Let's say that you purchased a traditional franchise business, which required an hefty investment. You would have a greater chance of succeeding depending on the ef! fectiveness of the franchise blueprint, and how well you adher! e to, an d follow the blue prints. Those blue prints act in many ways as your mentor.

This concept is no different when you Work at Home in a Home Business. More than the company, more than the product or service, your mentor will play a powerful role in your success or failure. This makes it highly imperative that you choose your mentor wisely.

Below are 3 keys to look for when considering your mentor.

# 1 - Does she or he have a strong enough motivation to work with you until you reach a significant income and are able to operate your business alone?

A strong monetary incentive is a good reason for them to continue to effectively work with you after you have signed up to be a player on their team. Beyond this however, they must have enough human chacter to have a sincere interest in your financial success, that penetrates much deeper than their financial incentive. Other wise after the financial incentive is gone, your suppose to be mentor may become M.! I.A.

# 2 Do they have a track record of success stories, and testimonials?

This is self explanatory.

# 3 Can you duplicate their success?

They must have a system, tools, and training which you can plug into and take advantage of continually.

By: Antonio Easter

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Antonio Easter is a Master Internet Marketer, Home Business Mentor, and Coach, who specializes in helping people from all walks of life, walk away from their job within 30 days or less.

By: Antonio Easter

Article Directory:

Antonio Easter is a ! Master I nternet Marketer, Home Business Mentor, and Coach, who specializes in helping people from all walks of life, walk away from their job within 30 days or less.

Home Based Business Articles Blog


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