Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Hate Selling? Jewelry Making is the Perfect Business for You!

Hate Selling? Jewelry Making Is The Perfect Business For You!

Does the thought of trying to sell something to someone make your heart race and your palms turn sweaty? For me, the thought of going up to someone and saying, "Hi, let me tell you about a great product or business opportunity, etc., etc." just kick starts an excess of acid juices flowing in my stomach.

In our over-advertised and over-marketed to society we all have our defenses up when the sales pitch starts. No matter how skilled the salesperson, we can smell it coming from a mile away.

So, is there a business where the product literally "sells itself" so that you don't have to push anything on someone? The answer is YES! I was lucky enough to discover some years ago that jewelry making fits the bill perfectly.

Why? Well, jewelry is one of those products where you get to actually wear what you make. When you do that you literally become a walking advertisement for your jewelry. As long! as you make attractive handmade necklaces, earring, bracelets, rings or other types of jewelry they will attract attention where ever you go when you wear them in public.

Then you get to take advantage of an instinct that most of us women have. We can't help ourselves when we see a very nice unique looking piece of jewelry. We've just got to find out more about it.

I can't tell you how many times over the years that women I don't know at all have approached me while I was wearing my jewelry out in public, and struck up a conversation that goes something along these lines:

"Hi, I'm sorry to bother you, but I noticed your necklace and it's so beautiful and I was wondering if you could tell me where you got it."

Do you see why this is so magical? Most salespeople would think they had died and gone to sales heaven to have people coming up to them and basically telling them, without the sales person saying a word, that they are extremely interested ! in buying the sales person's product.

When this happens! to you and you respond, "Thank you. Actually, I have a small jewelry making business and I made this myself," it's very easy to move toward getting an order for your jewelry. This happens to me all the time.

The added bonus is that most of the women who become your customers will continue to order jewelry from you in the future. That's another thing that sales people love: repeat business.

By: Eri Attebery

Article Directory:

Eri Attebery is a jewelry making teacher for, a site dedicated to teaching jewelry making using videos with the E.A.S.Y. Jewelry Making System.

By: Eri Attebery

Article Directory:

Eri Attebery is a jewelry making teacher for, a site dedicated to teaching jewelry making using videos with the E.A.S.Y. Jewelry Making System.

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