Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Do You Know the FIRST Priority to Success?

Do You Know The First Priority To Success?

Successful people knew very early that in order to be successful, you must be INITIATIVE. Only you can guarantee your own success and only you can hinder yourself from success.

Success was accumulated and builds on the foundation of hard work. No matter what kind of industry you are in, if you want to be successful, you have to work for it. Success was never achieved overnight. Do you remember the saying "Rome was not build in one day"?

To be a successful person, you must initiate your hard work. Because of the initiative, you will start to be responsible to yourself and you will do whatever it takes to achieve your goal. And by that time, you will start to take your own action without waiting for others to tell you.

When you lock initiative in your mind, creativity will start to flow into your head and you will be able to generate beneficial idea. Then you can accomplish your task in an effective way. Y! ou will start to embrace risk in a more positive way and even know how to calculate it to maximize your success.

A lot of people nowadays are afraid of taking risk. The reason may because that they fear they might get hurt, disappointed or even laugh by others if they failed. It is a question why you want to think like that? When you started to do something, you have another 50% chance to be successful. Who told you that the chances of failing are higher than SUCCESS?

In the 21st. century, personal initiative is highly recommended for success. You take our own action when you know what to do without others pushing you forward. And this is the attitude to success. By the way, you also won't like pushing you to do things. Right?

However there are still a lot of people nowadays kept giving excuses like:

"I can't do it, I have no time."
"I will do it later."
"I am occupied with other things."

Don't they just sound familiar?

Succes! s only belongs to those who take their own action. When you be! come an initiative person, you control your personal improvement. You understand the meaning of personal development and you start to grow.

You can only create opportunity for yourself when you are passionate about your own success and improvement. However this will be different for those who play safe, they always wait for others to give them chance and by doing that they are actually pushing success away.

So from now on, change your attitude. Remember, be INITIATIVE and you will be able to change your life.

Click Here if you are SERIOUS to create your own SUCCESS online...

By: Wong Michael

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Wong Michael is an enthusiastic affiliate marketer who loves to see! others to be successful online. Just email him at his personal email if you need to share your problem with someone...

By: Wong Michael

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Wong Michael is an enthusiastic affiliate marketer who loves to see others to be successful online. Just email him at his personal email if you need to share your problem with someone…

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