Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Traffic Exchanges and Replicated Web Sites

Traffic Exchanges And Replicated Web Sites

Starting a home-based business on the internet can be an exciting adventure. There are companies that will put us in business, process our orders, and drop-ship to our customers. Even our own web site. Our job is to promote our web site and to bring in customers. Some home business opportunities provide replicated web sites. This is not a bad thing but may require us to evaluate the approach we take when it comes to promoting our business.

Let's talk traffic exchanges as a source of promotion. We earn credits through traffic exchanges by viewing other surfers web sites. Usually at a ratio of about 2 to 1. Every two sites I view, someone views my site once. Ouch! Manual exchanges require a timed pause to assure them we did view the site before proceeding to the next one. Of course there are ways to speed up this process. Crazy Browser can allow you to view a site while another site is still loading.

Think for a mo! ment. Although I can spend the day producing a lot of traffic to my site, where is my target? Who is my target? Waaaa! This is empty traffic. No ifs ands or buts. What about traffic exchange referral pages? Why would I promote building a traffic downline to generate more of the same? I am not saying that traffic exchanges are no good. What I am saying is that if the traffic I receive is forced, then my effort is likely to be clicking blanks. You stare at me while I stare at you. Get real!

Let us assume that traffic exchanges are an excellent way to promote our business web site. If we have been put in a business with a replicated web site, that means many others are promoting the same site we have. Maybe a different name but the variations are slight at best. Someone is winning and it probably is not me and my surfing. I'll take 100 targeted hits before I'll take 1000 with no target. To me this is not a wise way to spend our time when promoting a replicated web site.! Evaluate the results and then decide for yourself.

By: ! Stephen Woodall

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Stephen Woodall, Marketing Analyst, FSC2 Member - See Business Page

By: Stephen Woodall

Article Directory:

Stephen Woodall, Marketing Analyst, FSC2 Member - See Business Page

Home Business Articles Blog


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