Is Mindset a "Success Strategy" for a Home Business
Do you have a clear understanding of the mindset required to create success in a home-business? The word "Mindset" is frequently used in the entrepreneurial world. However, lots of people don't have a clear understanding of the word. In the home-business industry, the internet marketing industry, and in the entrepreneurial world "the leaders" talk about MINDSET and how important it is while others (not yet successful) just nod their heads as if they understand what the leaders are really talking about.
It's like a joke that you don't really "get" but, you laugh anyway because the smart, rich, leaders are laughing! Therefore, since they are laughing it MUST be funny. The only difference is, a joke will go away and pass from the moment, but the leaders are ALWAYS going to be talking about MINDSET!
The FACT is: If you really understood it, "YOU WOULD" be one of the leaders! Did you know that 80% of success ! is accomplished by 20% of the people (or the team)? So, to be VERY successful you just need to be in the top 20% of the group-whatever group you represent.
I was a school counselor, with a Master's degree, for many years. Therefore, I am going to discuss some human psychology here. I didn't make this stuff up; but this is how the human mind works. These simple principals have been known and accepted by the scientific community for centuries. As much as I'd like to tell you I figured it out, the truth is it's been known for a long time. So, let's get started.
There are three components at work for all of us to find success in anything we attempt to do. Like the three sides of a triangle there are 3 EQUAL components to your success in the "entrepreneurial world".
1. The first component in a mindset is your "Self-talk". Your self-talk (the way you talk to yourself) is buried in your unconscious mind---way down deep in your BELIEFS. The unconscious mind is ! the one that always reacts to something impulsively without th! inking. The unconscious mind believes everything it's told. So, if your unconscious mind is being told things like: "This is easy". "This is great". "I can do this". "I love to do this"---then guess what? You are RIGHT!
But, if your unconscious mind is being told: "This is hard". "I can't do this". "This is painful". "I'm afraid to do new things"-then guess what? You are RIGHT again! Whatever your beliefs are about ANYTHING is how you will talk to yourself. We'll call this your internal communications! So, whether you think 'YOU CAN' or whether you think 'YOU CAN'T' -- ---You are RIGHT!
2. Now, the problems arise with this next component which is your external communications. The problem is your internal communications control your external communications in every way. Your voice, your eye contact, your body language (posture), and even your hand shake are always communicating your internal communication with yourself. Since your beliefs control your internal communica! tions and your internal communications control your external communications-you are always communicating to the world in one way or the other. Your unconscious mind cannot tell a lie. Therefore, the ONLY way you can change your external communications is to change your BELIEFS. We are ALWAYS showing up as "WHO we are on the inside"!
Now, the formula we are working with here is BELIEFS + ACTIONS = RESULTS. The progression goes like this:
1. You BELIEVE: (Whatever you believe).
2. You take ACTION: (Your actions are determined by your beliefs).
3. You get RESULTS: (Your results are determined by what you believed at the time and the action you took).
After losing the famous "Battle of Waterloo" Napoleon had some time to reflect on his mistakes which were caused by having poor intelligence. "His BELIEFS were NOT correct" which led him to engage the enemy. This was the wrong ACTION to take based on the facts he did not have. The RESULT of all of this was ! that Napoleon was badly defeated at Waterloo. Did his army hav! e the ne cessary skills to win the battle? Of course, they'd conquered most of the world before. However, Napoleon's beliefs in this situation created the results which caused him to lose this battle.
3. What I'm saying in this third component to your success is that is your SKILL at doing the ACTIVITY becomes the key to your success. It is always about the skills we have which help determine "our mindset". Skills can be learned with the proper training from leaders, trainers, and coaches. However, we can't control the other two components which are your "internal-communications" and your "external communications". Only YOU can control "how you think" and therein lies your "MINDSET"! Therefore, your mindset is the key to your success as an entrepreneur in a home business!
By: Rose Kirkland
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Businesswoman, Rose Kirkland assists Women to be success stories and inspiration to others. The fact that you are investigating the home-based business industry is a sign that you have dreams and trust in those dreams. Let me assist you come visit: Success and Freedom
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Businesswoman, Rose Kirkland assists Women to be success stories and inspiration to others. The fact that you are investigating the home-based business industry is a sign that you have dreams and trust in those dreams. Let me assist you come visit: Success and Freedom
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